PBHG and IBAR collaborate March 2017

In March 2017 Prof Alan Rice from IBAR invited Prof Gretchen Gerzina as a visiting Lecturer from America to give a talk at UCLan. Prof Gerzina visited the PBHG Meeting and met the group. The meeting took place at the Lancashire Archives who have supported the development of the group. We were also presented with a donation from UNITE Young Activists for £500 to support our work.

About the Talk at IBAR

What’s Happening in Black History IV

Thursday 16th March, Institute for Black Atlantic Research, UCLan

Keynote Speaker, Professor Gretchen Gerzina – Why Black History Matters: An America Perspective

The aim of the series is to facilitate discussion  between researchers, educationalists, artists and writers, archivists and curators, and policy makers.

It seeks to recognise and promote innovative new research into the history of people of African heritage or descent in the UK, and enable a discussion of the latest developments in the dissemination of Black British history in a wide variety of settings including the media, the classroom and lecture hall, and museums and galleries.