LUBAINA HIMID: HARD TIMES Art Exhibition at Harris Preston by Preston’s Turner Prize winning Artist, Lubaina Himid 2 March 3 June 2018

Preston Black History Group members are excited to be involved in the advisory group for Lubaina’s exhibition. We are doing our best to make it as accessible as possible and hope you will make the trip to visit this enjoyable and thought provoking exhibition. There are a series of events planned alongside the exhibition, see the Harris website for details

The Harris Says:

We are delighted to be showing an exhibition of the work of The 2017 Turner Prize winner and Preston-based artist Professor Lubaina Himid MBE.  

The Harris has had a long relationship with Lubaina, showing her work on a number of occasions including most recently Moments that Matter (2012).

Lubaina has chosen the title Hard Times with reference to Charles Dickens’ novel, inspired by his visit to Preston during the workers’ Lock-out of 1853.

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