Launch of UCLan Institute for Black Atlantic Research

The new Institute for Black Atlantic Research launches at UCLan, with a talk by writer Caryl Phillips from Yale University.
The project will utilise the University’s internationally renowned research in African Atlantic studies, across art, culture, literature performance and more, and will include a programme of academic events and annual lectures.
Celebrating the launch of the Institute for Black Atlantic Research (IBAR) AN EVENING WITH THE WRITER CARYL PHILLIPS (YALE UNIVERSITY)
‘one of the literary giants of our times’ (The New York Times) ‘Phillips is a storyteller of considerable talent with utter control over his narrative’ (The Times) ‘Phillips’s writing, shot through with sensuality and unexpected beauties, compels one to read on’ (The Daily Telegraph)
Refreshments provided Tuesday 13 May
Greenbank Lecture Theatre 6-­‐9pm
To confirm attendance, contact Lyndsay Cambridge:
or 01772 894240
Hosted by the School of Language, Literature and International Studies

Preston Black History Group are Community Partners in IBAR

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