Author Archive

The Black Panthers: film for BHM

Oct 21st at 7pm showing at UCLan, Foster building, lecture theatre 2.

Followed by Q&A session

Free drink for all attendees

Presented by Lancashire Area Activists Youth Forum and Preston Black History Group

UCLan Guest Lecture Francoise Verges


Guest Lecture: Françoise Vergès

Making Histories Visible is pleased to announce a guest lecture by Françoise Vergès, as part of the Distinguished Visitor Programme, at the University of Central Lancashire on Thursday 13 October.

An internationally acclaimed political scientist, feminist and author of Reunionese heritage, Françoise Vergès is Chair of Global South(s) at the Collège d’études mondiales, Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris. She worked as a journalist and editor as part of the French feminist movement from the mid-1970s, then settled in the United States in 1983 where she received a double bachelor degree in Political Science and Women’s Studies with summa cum laude from the University of California, in San Diego, and a PhD in Political Sciences from Berkeley University in 1995. Her thesis Monsters and Revolutionaries. Colonial Family Romance was published in 1999 by Duke University Press.

Britain’s Black Past BBC Radio 4

Here’s a link to BBC iplayer Radio 4 is broadcasting a series called Britain’s Black Past BBC Radio 4 From Mon 3 to Fri 7 October at 1.45pm Omnibus on Fri 7 Oct at 9pm
Give it a listen

Black to the Future 2016 an event to showcase Preston’s achievers of African heritage.

Black to the Future 2015

Black to the Future 2015

Wed 5th October 2016, 6.30pm, Fulwood Methodist Church, Watling Street Road, Preston PR2 8EA

Contact: Jonathan Pond, 0794 0736381,

Preston Black History Group is hosting an event, Black to the Future 2016, to celebrate Black History Month, October 2016. The event will highlight Black Achievements and Black Achievers. Our displays will illustrate some of the contributions made to the development of mankind by people of African origin throughout history. The achievers we present are Preston people who have succeeded in their individual fields and will share their inspirational journeys with you.  All too often these stories have not been heard. We think it is time for a change and time to celebrate our community.

Amelie and Moses with Preston's Mayor 2015

Amelie and Moses with Preston’s Mayor 2015

The reason why we choose this celebration for 2016 Black History Month is to highlight these achievements. We seek to educate the next generation of young people from our community to value and respect their African heritage. We want to inspire them to fulfil their potentials, hopes and dreams. Sharing pride by linking them to the inspirational people we have living amidst us.

The evening will be held on Wednesday 5th October and will begin at 6.15pm for light refreshments and networking. The presentations will start at 6.55pm. The venue for the evening is Fulwood Methodist Church, Watling Street Road, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 8EA.

The event will be attended by the Mayor of Preston and other local dignitaries as well as community heads and many interested members of the community.

October is Black History Month when we put on a number of events to educate, celebrate and explore our African heritage. This year there are events planned throughout October. Information can be found on the calendar on our website

Care & Share, The Walnut Group with the Preston Montserrat Association

The Walnut Group with the Preston Montserrat Association invite you to join us for a social evening of eating, drinking, music and sharing experiences.

Friday September 2nd at 7pm

Jalgos, Rose St, Preston PR1 3XV

For further information contact Vincent Skerritt 07866193410 or Colin Piddington 01254 852555

Supported by Prostate Cancer UK

Literary Hauntings, A Walking Tour of Lancaster & Its Dark Past

Literary Hauntings
A Walking Tour of Lancaster & Its Dark Past
Tuesday 16th August 2016

Institute for Black Atlantic Research, UCLan

Departs from UCLan, Foster Building at 10am and returns at 6pm.
This is a free tour, so please book early, we have a cap on numbers.
Led by UCLan’s Institute for Black Atlantic Research

For further information & to book your place, please email Dr Theresa Saxon:

Literary Hauntings A5 (002)-1

Tour led by UCLan academics, experts in Local Heritage. This tour will take visitors on a journey through Lancaster’s hidden history of Black Presence and the literature that recalls it. Our journey spans the period from the early seventeenth to the mid nineteenth century, from black servants through black actors to a famous and celebrated Victorian novelist.

We start with a tour of Lancaster’s famous castle where the early history of Lancaster including the hanging of the famous Pendle witches will be described. Then onto the Quaker Meeting House where in one of the earliest meeting houses of the Quakers we will hear about Quakers who were slaveholders and the history of Quaker abolitionism.

From there we will proceed to Castle Hill to hear the story of the slave-holding Satterthwaite family, the black woman they brought back from St. Kitts and the terrible legacy that haunts us still. In the Priory Church and grounds we witness this haunting in memorials to slaves and their masters.

Then a trip to the memorial to victims of the slave trade on the quayside and the Lancaster Maritime Museum before an afternoon excursion to Sunderland Point and the gravesite of Sambo that is a unique and affecting site with a Romantic poem to boot.
“Full sixty years the angry winter’s wave
Has thundering dashed this bleak and barren shore
Since Sambo’s head laid in this lonely grave
Lies still and ne’er will hear their turmoil more”
Extract from the Grave at Sunderland Point:

We stop at the Lancaster Grand Theatre, where African American actor Ira Aldridge performed, in 1827. Although Britain had passed the Slave Trade Act in 1807, forbidding the trafficking of slaves, British colonies in the sugar plantations of the Caribbean would still operate slavery up until 1833. And of course, in America, slavery would not be abolished until 1865. Ira Aldridge was, therefore, a pioneer of his time.

We will also take a tour through Charles Dickens’ literary Lancaster. Dickens came here with his friend and fellow writer, Wilkie Collins, in September 1857 and wrote about their trip in a short story, “‘The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices.” Dickens felt the ghostly presence of what was, by 1857, Lancaster’s slavery past. He wrote: “‘The stones of Lancaster do sometimes whisper, even yet, of rich men passed away—upon whose great prosperity some of these old doorways frowned sullen in the brightest weather – that their slave-gain turned to curses.” We will follow the footsteps of these two literary greats through the streets of Lancaster to the Lunatic Asylum where we meet the ghosts of the residents Dickens described as “blighted men-and-women-trees.” Then on to Lancaster Castle where, just before Dickens arrived, Edward Hardman was hanged for the murder of his wife, a ghostly story that haunts Dickens’ tale of Lancaster life.

stamp logo

In October 2005, Lancaster became the first slave port city in Britain to establish a permanent quayside memorial to victims of the slave trade.

Liverpool Slave History Walk tour

Trip to the Slave History Walk tour in Liverpool, Thursday 7th July 2016. The tour visits various locations around the waterfront in Liverpool all of which have a association with the slave trade. The tour starts at the International museum and takes in locations such as,

>. The Cunard Building

>. Exchange Square

>. The Martin’s Bank Building

to name just a few.

The trip will leave Preston at 09.45 and returns at approximately 17.30, transport cost is £5.00. The cost for the tour will be £ 7.50 paid directly to the tour guide on the day. It is recommended that good footwear and clothing be worn on the day.

Further details from.

Clinton Smith



07583 343866


Preston Black History Group

Identity Crisis A touring one woman show, written by and staring Phina Oruche

Nigerian heritage actress Phina Oruche’s funny one woman show is coming to Oswaldwistle Civic Theatre on 23 April 2016.

A group booking rate of £6 a ticket is available, saving £2 on the standard ticket price.

Please get in touch if you would like to book and we can get a group together to take advantage of the discount.

Identity Crisis

A touring one woman show, written by and staring Phina Oruche

Saturday 23 April 2016, 7.30pm

Civic Arts Centre & Theatre, 155 Union Road, Oswaldtwistle, BB5 3HZ

T: 01254 398319

Tickets: £8/£6

Brother Outsider Bayard Rustin

An exciting event taking place on Tuesday 16th February at Jalgos Sports and Social Club, Rose Street,Preston PR1 3XY.  This event starts at 7pm and features the life of Bayard Rustin, prominent Civil Rights activist from the 50’s and 60’s. Bayard was Martin Luther King Jr’s mentor and the mastermind behind the 1963 march Washington.

This is a FREE event, one not to be missed!

JUNIOR SCIENTIST TASTER DAY Saturday 30 January 2016

UCLan Young ScientistCentre invites you to a Junior Scientist Taster day on 30th Jan for ages 8-16 (years 5-11) Parents also welcome.
To book (limited numbers only, so book your place early)
Contact: Cecil Walsh, Telephone 07713 38868 Email

Click below for details of the programme
