Author Archive

Monday 28th October Queen Quet: “The Reality of Being Gullah/Geechee.”

12.30 to 2.30 pm. Creative Innovation Zone (ME 414), Media Factory, Kirkham Street, PR1 2HE (Sat-Nav/mobile maps postcode PR1 1JN). The event is free, but please register on Eventbrite by clicking on this link.

Celebrating Black History Month at UCLan, the Institute for Black Atlantic Research (IBAR), in conjunction with the Lancashire Research Centre for Migration, Diaspora and Exile (MIDEX) and the School of Humanities and Global Studies, is proud to present:

Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/ Geechee Nation (

Queen Quet, the elected Head-of-State and spokesperson for Gullah/Geechees, is on a “Healin’ de Land World Tour” to raise funds and awareness on behalf of the Gullah/Geechee Nation, which is situated on the Sea Islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the southeastern coast of the United States. In her interactive histo-musical presentation, she will provide information on how this unique ethnic group of people of African and indigenous American descent have either been left out of history books or misrepresented in fictional films and books. Gullah/Geechees are proud people of African descent who have maintained their own unique language, music, foodways and traditions. Their way of life is currently under threat from the effects of climate change, including increasing intensity of hurricanes and sea level rise. Queen Quet will take us on a journey through their cultural history, the continuing legacy of the TransAtlantic Slave Trade, human rights and their current stand to stay on their land.

Philip Duncan RIP

It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to one of our founding members and supporters. One of the leading lights of Preston Caribbean Carnival with his own troupe – Spectrum Association – Philip made keeping Caribbean culture and heritage alive in Preston his main objective in life. He introduced many young people to their heritage and gave them a sense of pride and belonging.

He will be greatly missed.

posts about Phil on our website are here and here

Refugee Week 2019 Lecture Windrush Day Celebration: Black is Beautiful?’

Date and Time

Fri, 21 June 2019

13:30 – 15:00 BSTA


UCLan – University of Central Lancashire

Foster building – Scholars Restaurant

Kendal Street



Limited places. So booking is a must!

Refreshments and an afro-caribbean food will be provided.

Booking link

African people have been in Britain for centuries and for centuries the British have complained.

The influx of immigrants from the Caribbean between the arrival of Empire Windrush and the start of the 1970s forced this country to look closely at its relationship with a people who it was happy to take from Africa to labour in the Caribbean then take from the Caribbean to labour in the UK, but not happy to reward with respect and human dignity. Decades of projects, policies and papers followed focussing on integration and equality. Unfortunately, the emphasis has always been on Africans being accepted as British not the British accepting African. There has been a huge shift in the cultural identity of the African community in this country since the Windrush generation. This cannot be attributed to natural, organic cultural growth.

Whilst Africans first became Black then Black British on their journey to acceptance, African culture and values were left behind and remain almost as reviled today as they were made to be for the facilitation slavery and colonialism.

Physical beauty is one area where African and European cultural values clash.

The importance of physical beauty is often underestimated today. It has been argued that those who do not conform to mainstream ideals of what is beautiful can experience fewer employment opportunities, fewer career progression opportunities, low self-esteem, social isolation and even poor academic results.

African people naturally fall outside of mainstream European ideals of beauty. For centuries African people have been categorised as ugly (skin too dark, hair too nappy, body too big). African communities the world over experience problems with skin bleaching, hair relaxing and unnecessary cosmetic surgery as individuals strive to distance themselves from themselves. Research into areas such as body dissatisfaction and beauty and self-esteem suggest that stronger cultural awareness can help to address these problems.

‘Black is Beautiful?’ is several questions being asked of the African community: Is black beautiful? What defines black beauty? Is colour the real issue? Is it necessary to proclaim?

Windrush Celebration Sat 22nd June 2019

SDA Church, Black History group, & UCLAN/IBAR combine to celebrate the contribution of the Windrush generation and their descendants & culture to local life

SDA Church, Grimshaw Street, Preston, PR1 3DD

Morning 11.15am

Afternoon 4 – 6pm

Refugee Week 2019 Caribbean Lunch and Lecture Windrush Day Celebration: Black People in Britain

Date and Time: Fri, 21 June 2019, 12:00 13:30 BST

Location: UCLan University of Central Lancashire, Foster building Scholars Restaurant, Kendal Street, Preston, PR12HE

Programme Lunch and Lecture:

12.00 – 12.25 – Registration and Lunch

12.25-12.30 – Open remarks – EDIC UCLan and Preston Black History Group

12.30:1.00 pm – Lecture: ‘Black People in Britain before Windrush – Stories of Migration’ by Lecturer Rapahel Hoermann

1.00 – 1.30 pm – Testimonials from Windrush Role Models and discussion

Limited places. So booking is a must! Details here

Refreshments and an afro-caribbean food will be provided.

This lecture will be delivered by Dr. Raphael Hoermann. He is Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Black Atlantic Research (IBAR) and Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN).

Black people have been living in Britain at least since Roman Times. While it is true that the large-scale migration of Black people did only start after WWII with the so-called “Windrush Generation” of Black Britons, they have been present in public records long before.

Nevertheless their lives and stories have largely been expunged from public consciousness and historiography. Mainstream historians have also chosen to silence them, despite the best counter efforts to unearth their lives undertaken by scholars of British Black history (e.g. Peter Fryer, Ron Ramdin, Ray Costello & David Olusoga).

Indeed the wealth of material and the scale of the contributions of Black Atlantic people to British history are so immense (especially considering their relative small numbers) that this lecture can only scratch the surface. It will re-appraise their contributions by focusing on three outstanding and diverse Black Atlantic figures from three centuries: the ex-slave, abolitionist and author of the most famous British slave narrative, Olaudah Equiano (c. 1745-97), the ultra-radical Black Atlantic agitator Robert Wedderburn (1762-1835/36?) and Jamaican-born poet, broadcaster and feminist Una Marson (1905-66), who became the first black producer at the BBC.

Following this lecture we will welcome three guest speakers from the Windrush generation to give their testimonials and open the discussion. This will be facilitated by Clinton Smith – Chair of Preston Black History Group.


Tuesday, 11 June 2019 at 10:00 – Wednesday, 12 June 2019 at 17:00 (BST)

502 Teaching Hub, University of Liverpool, University Place, Liverpool, UK

2018 marked the 25th anniversary of the publication of Paul Gilroy’s pioneering The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness (Cambridge University Press).

This conference aims to commemorate and dialogue with Gilroy’s seminal study, one that continues to serve as a reference point for scholars working on the intersection of the African diaspora, cultural production and issues of identity.

Stephen Lawrence Memorial Day

24th April, 9:30 am -12:30pm

Lancashire Constabulary Headquarters, Assembly Hall, Saunders Lane, Hutton, PR4 5TJ

9.30 – 12.30

This day will provide an opportunity for all those involved in policing to reflect on the progress, which has been made, since Stephen’s death and continue to improve policing practices for the benefit of all in society.

For details please contact Ashley Gibson, South Division Vulnerability Hub (Hate Crime and Diversity),

Sat 22nd June Windrush Celebration Day

A partnership of organisations in Preston were supported by PBHG and succeeded in receiving government funding for events around Windrush Celebration Day – please check in coming months for updates on events taking place.

Hate Crime Poster

Our partner PC 3448 Ashley Gibson at Lancs Constabulary Diversity Unit has sent us this poster about Hate Crime and how to report it. Please share it widely. Thanks

You can contact Ashley at

Society for Caribbean Studies 43rd Annual Conference

Institute for Black Atlantic Research,

University of Central Lancashire

3-5 July 2019

Draft programme can be downloaded here

Registration now open here…

Preston Black History Group have been invited to make a presentation at the conference. Details will be available when they have been confirmed. Hope you can join us.