Author Archive
Lost Children: The Black Atlantic and Northern Britain – An Interdisciplinary Symposium April 30-May 1 2015
IBAR in association with the Bronte Parsonage Museum Haworth Present
Lost Children: The Black Atlantic and Northern Britain – An Interdisciplinary Symposium April 30-May 1 2015
The Institute for Black Atlantic Research at the University of Central Lancashire, Preston is proud to announce that it will host a symposium to tie in with the launch of Caryl Phillips new novel The Lost Child, a prequel to Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. It will echo the historical context and themes of the work discussing black presences across generations in the North from the 1770s to the present. It will be an interdisciplinary symposium which will bring together historians, visual artists, cultural critics and writers. It will discuss The Lost Child in its widest black Atlantic and Northern British context and highlight links and contexts that enable a variety of other writers and artists including the Brontes to be discussed. This will create dynamic new interpretations of British culture in this rarely heard context of the North and the Black Atlantic. It will include two readings from Caryl Phillips at UCLAN and at the Bronte Parsonage Museum Haworth. The symposium will spend the second afternoon in Haworth and there will be an opportunity to explore Bronte Country with a guided tour from our own Victorian expert Dr.Theresa Saxon.
Our two keynote presenters are Dr. Jessica Moody (University of Portsmouth) an expert on Liverpool and its memory of slavery and Dr. Fionnghuala Sweeney (Newcastle University) an expert on Ireland, Britain and the Black Atlantic.
Visual Artists presenting their work include IBAR’s own Professor Lubaina Himid, Manchester-based Kuljit Chuhan and Scarborough-born Jade Montserrat.
New York film-maker Sikay Tang will present her film Toby’s Paradise about the sojourn from Liverpool to Shanghai of a Nigerian-born sailor.
Joe Williams from Heritage Corner in Leeds will perform his show about the Northern, Black British Victorian circus performer, Pablo Fanque ( ).
Other contributors include:
Professor Bènèdict Ledent (University of Liege)
Professor Evelyn O’Callagham (University of the West Indies)
Professor John McLeod (University of Leeds)
Professor Brian Ward (Northumbria University)
To book, please visit
For queries, please contact Lyndsay Cambridge
– E –
T – 01772 894240
Academic organisers :
Professor Alan Rice & Andre Sillis
IBAR Website:
Black Arts Week for Black History Month 20th-23rd Oct 2014
Preston Black History Group with Professor Lubaina Himid present . . .
Black Arts Week for Black History Month 20 th -23 rd Oct 2014
Monday 20 th Oct 2pm: Introduction to Making Histories Visible at The Centre For Contemporary Art, 37, St Peter’s St Preston.
Event by Invitation but Prof Himid welcomes enquires to explore the Black Arts Archive ( ) from artists and community members.
Wednesday 22 nd Oct 7pm: 1980’s Revisited – Lubaina Himid at Jalgos Sports & Social Club
Rose St, Preston PR1 3XY 01772 556109
BHM Black Art and Creativity lecture. Come along and hear a fascination story of the upsurge of artists of African heritage in the 1980s through the eyes of International Artist and Professor Lubaina Himid – a passionate and interesting speaker.
Thursday 23 rd Oct 6.30pm: Ingrid Pollard at Lecture Theatre 4, Foster Building, Fylde Rd, Preston – please come along to this wonderful event at the University of Central Lancashire -hear about the ideas, see the work and talk to the artist
Just click here to book your ticket
It would be great to see you there.
Ingrid Pollard is a photographer, media artist and researcher. She is a graduate of the London College of Printing and Derby University.
Ingrid has developed a social practice concerned with representation, history and landscape with reference to race, difference and the materiality of lens based media. Her work is included in numerous collections including the UK Arts Council and the Victoria & Albert Museum. She lives and works in London UK
Paul Robeson tribute show with Tayo Aluka
Paul Robeson tribute show with Tayo Aluka.
This is presented by Love Music Hate Racism for Black History month at the Ace Centre Nelson 7.30pm Wednesday 29th October.
Tickets are £7.00 and £5.00 unwaged
for info and tickets phone Keith 07941 823 363 or Andy and Maggie at the Red Triangle Cafe Burnley Telephone 01282 832319.
BHM lecture at UCLan: Ingrid Pollard
Ingrid Pollard in Preston on the 23 rd of October – please come along to this wonderful event at the University of Central Lancashire -hear about the ideas, see the work and talk to the artist just click here to book your ticket
It would be great to see you there.
AfroVibes Festival
Dukes Playhouse, Lancaster is hosting the AfroVibes Festival – 3rd to 8th November 2014.
AKWANTU: The Journey
AKWANTU: The Journey, a film by Roy T Anderson. The Jamaican Maroons – an epic story of heroism, defiance and resistance. The New World’s first successful Feedom Fighters
Join us at 5.30 pm at Jalgos Sports and Social Club, Rose St, Preston, PR1 3XY.
For more info please contact Clinton on 07583 343866 or
‘Black to the Future’: October 2014
On behalf of the Chair of Preston Black History Group I would like to invite you and a friend to join us as we celebrate ‘Black to the Future, 2014.’
The event will showcase Black Achievements and Black Achievers. The Black Achievement will illustrate some of the contributions made to the development of mankind by people of African origin. The achievers [we present] are of African origin and have succeeded in their individual fields and will share their journeys with you.
All too often these contributors have not been given the credit they deserve. It is time for this to change.
The evening will be held on Wednesday 8 th October and will begin with your arrival at 18.30 for light refreshments. The presentations will start at 19.00 hours. The venue for the evening is Fulwood Methodist Church, Watling Street Road, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 8EA.