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The BHM Debate planned for 29th Oct is postponed watch this space for new date

The debate on Education Uptake in the African Caribbean Community has been postponed Watch this space!

Precious Goods at the Harris, Wed 21st Oct

Black History Month at the Harris

What’s On contact Kyra Milnes, 01772 258248

Oct 21st Adult Workshop: Precious Goods

  • 2.00 4.30pm Discover Preston gallery, Harris Museum & Art Gallery Drop in, FREE,

Come along and work with artists Pamela Eze and Heather Mae Lancaster to create a container to protect your own priceless object. All materials provided

Nov 11th Your Black History Stories

  • 2.00 4.00pm Discover Preston gallery, Harris Museum & Art Gallery

Another chance to chat to our experts. Bring along objects that tell a story about your life – perhaps you have a favourite toy, a cooking pot or even a handwritten letter? All items will be photographed and some chosen for the exhibition Black History Connections – New ways to tell old stories exhibition

Exhibition: Black History Connections New ways to tell old stories
Until 5 March 2016 Discover Preston gallery, Harris Museum & Art Gallery

Part of a project led by Kitchen Sink Arts to develop, collect and preserve a positive black historical narrative for Preston and Lancashire.
Supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund and Preston City Council.
Harris Museum & Art Gallery, Market Square, Preston PR1 2PP
T. 01772 258248

BHM Film event in Lancaster

A fantastic opportunity to see some great films for Black History Month for only £1.00. At The Sanctuary, Lancaster Library, Market Square, Lancaster LA1 1HY on Tuesdays throughout October at 6.30.


Black to the Future 2015

PBHG’s Black History month event for 2015, Black to the Future, will build on the success of last year’s event to bring an even more fascinating perspective on Black achievers and achievement. Don’t miss it!


Saturday 24th October, 2015
Central Library, St Peters Square, Manchester M2 5PD
This free workshop will explore the legacies of British slave-ownership in the north of England. It will showcase exciting new research that can be used to explore the local links between the north of England and the business of slavery. Featuring talks by artists, academics and independent historians it will consider the different ways in which slavery has impacted on the social, cultural and economic landscape of the north of England.
There will be time for open discussion and we warmly welcome those interested in the
issues raised by the subject to participate with their own ideas and research.
Artist Lubaina Himid will be showcasing some of her artwork entitled ‘Cotton.Com’ formerly displayed at the Whitworth Gallery for the Cotton: Global Threads exhibition (2012).
This workshop has been organised by the Legacies of British Slave-ownership project at University College London in partnership with the Institute for Black Atlantic Research at the University of Central Lancashire, the University of Leeds and the University of
The workshop is free but places are limited. Tickets available from 24 August, 2015. For more information visit:


Preston Black History Group are organizing a day out to visit the Rum Story in Whitehaven, Cumbria.


Thursday 27th August 2015

Leaving Jalgos Sports & Social Club @ 09..30

Returning approx 17.30

Cost £12—To include travel & services of the guide

Deposit £5 non returnable, payable to Clinton Smith (07583343866).

Seats are booked on a first come first served basis, and are limited

The Rum Story shows the link between Whitehaven & The Caribbean, and how Whitehaven made it’s fortune trading mainly rum and tobacco


An enjoyable and interesting day out.


IBAR Newsletter August 2015

Check out this newsletter form IBAR – there’s so much been happening! It makes really interesting reading.

IBAR newsletter 8,15

Lubaina Himid, "Toussaint L'Ouverture" (1987) (as displayed in "No Colour Bar: Black British Art in Action, 1960-1990," Guild Hall Art Gallery, London, 2015/16

IBAR Caribbean Research Seminar in the North

CRSN Programme (Final) PDF

Friday 11 September 12.30 – 5.30pm
Institute for Black Atlantic Research (IBAR)
University of Central Lancashire
Media Innovation Studio, Media Factory, 4th Floor, Kirkham Road, Preston, PR1 2XY

12.30-13:30 Arrival and lunch
13:30-14:20 ‘Gothic Politics of the Haitian Revolution in Derek Walcott’s
Haitian Trilogy and Edouard Glissant’s Monsieur Toussaint.’
Raphael Hoermann (University of Central Lancashire, Preston)
14:20-15:10 ‘The Voodoo Doll in Popular Culture and Historical Memory.’
Natalie Armitage (University of Manchester)
15:10-15:40 Tea and coffee break
15:40-16:30 ‘Remembrance and Repression: The Memorialisation of Slavery
in Bermuda’ (provisional title)
Dyana Saad (University of Central Lancashire, Preston)
16:30-17:20 ‘Modernity, Melancholy and the Transatlantic Slave Trade: The
Story of the Slave Ship, Le Rodeur (1819)’
Anita Rupprecht (University of Brighton)
For details about IBAR, see
Campus Maps are available at
Registration is free but compulsory. To register your attendance, please visit
For all other queries please email Dr. Raphael Hoermann
( with CRSN as subject.
A reservation will be made at a reasonably-priced local restaurant for those
wishing to attend dinner after the seminar. Please contact for booking, and with any other enquiries, including
dietary requirements.

Lost Children Symposium free public programme

A unique opportunity to be part of the Lost Children event at IBAR UCLan don’t miss it.